Sunday, August 20, 2023

Toulmin Method

        The Toulmin method is robust for analyzing arguments and constructing persuasive messages. In the age of online communication, how does the Toulmin method provide a structured approach to evaluate and respond to arguments encountered on the internet?

        The Toulmin Method provides a structured approach to evaluate and respond to arguments encountered on the internet because it provides a basic outline of characteristics of a well-written evaluation or response. The pieces to this method, or outline, are as follows:

Claim: the position or perspective that is being argued for; conclusion of the argument

Data: or grounds, the basis of persuasion made up of data, evidence and facts that help to support the claim

Warrant: what connects the claim to the grounds (data), how is the dated presented in support of the claim, indicates relevance of the claim

Backing: Support or explanation provided for the warrant, an optional part to the Toulmin Model as it only offers additional support

Qualifier: indicates strength of leap from data to the warrant which may limit the universal application of the claim, statement that indicates strength of the claim

Rebuttal: An exception to the claim, acknowledgment of opposing views

Application to Online Discussions, Debates, or Social Media Interactions

        Any online discussion, debate, or social media interaction likely requires a response in some way or another. The Toulmin Method could very well be applied through these online interactions because it could be used to structure online responses.

        One example of online arguments where the Toulmin Method could strengthen one's position or challenge opposing viewpoints would be in an online debate. In a debate there are often beginning and counterarguments. Counterarguments could be strengthened using the Toulmin Method as it would provide the speaker with an excellent outline as to how to map out the counterargument and what information to present.

        The potential limitations or challenges of applying the Toulmin Method would be information overload or bias likely the effect of emotional influence. When using the Toulmin method online, users can be vulnerable to an influence of emotions. Though, users would probably be just as likely to fall from an influence of emotions even offline. Users may also be subjected to information overload as the Toulmin Method requires a lot of information to be received and outputted. Individuals can navigate these challenges by focusing on the use of factual information and note-taking. Of course, there are various other techniques users could try!

Critical Thinking Skills and Information Literacy

Using the Toulmin Method, critical thinking skills and information literacy play very important roles when utilizing the method effectively in the digital age. Critical thinking skills are used to plan what would make your argument strong in terms of what research you must do and what argumentative/rhetoric strategies could you impose. Information literacy is very important as you would have a difficult time if you don't understand how to effectively research the topic of discussion or sift through the information itself.



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